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Health insurance with a personal doctor

We've created a unique solution where a personal private doctor at our clinic takes care of all the care you need. From simple infections to advanced surgery. There is no need to contact your health center or your insurance company. You contact your personal doctor who will make sure you get the right care quickly.

You can reach your doctor the same day you become ill. All physical examinations and appointments are made with a specialist in one of over 1250 clinics. All tests and diagnostic imaging are done at one of over 1300 clinics. Nationwide and without hassle.

Surgery is performed in one of the many private hospitals in the Nordic countries with the help of a health insurance policy with the Norwegian company KNIF. Contact with the insurance company is handled by us.

It does not matter where in Sweden you live. The only requirement is that you have reached the age of 16 but not 69 and that you are fully capable of working. In the case of individual affiliation, an annual health examination is mandatory. If at least five people join at the same time, the annual medical examination can normally be waived.

Health insurance with a personal private doctor is normally taxed according to the Swedish Tax Agency's standard rate of 60%.

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