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Health check with blood analysis

Our health check consists of a physical examination and a psychosocial workplace examination. The examinations can be purchased together or separately.

The physical examination consists of a comprehensive blood analysis. Either the blood sample is taken by us at the workplace or at the nearest clinic (over 1300 to choose from).

4 out of 5 tested individuals have some test value that deviates. This abnormality is discussed in an individual digital medical consultation and investigated further. 1 out of 5 tested individuals have, after investigation, a need for care that is either performed by us or after referral by the public.

The psychosocial examination is done digitally with the offer of a digital conversation with a behavioral scientist if necessary. Normally, groups of at least 5 employees are surveyed. The survey includes survey questions about the work environment. The tool meets the legal requirement for an annual survey and risk assessment of the social and organizational work environment.

Both the physical survey and the psychosocial workplace survey can be purchased by subscription or individually. For subscriptions, the survey is carried out once a year. Both the physical examination and the psychosocial examination are adapted to specific work environment risks. They are therefore not subject to benefit taxation.

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